Recently I had the extreme shame and humiliation of having to talk about how popular my website is for business purposes. As Kpopalypse never likes to brag, it’s high time that I decrease my web traffic a little by giving you lovely readers another episode in the least popular long-running Kpopalypse series of all time, Kpopalypse Nugu Alert! Let’s check out some more nugus!
This episode is dedicated to one of the most neglected categories of the k-pops – “co-ed” groups. It always struck me as weird that men and women collaborating together on music was so unusual in the Korean idol world that they actually had a special name for it. Not all of these groups are idol groups of course, after all can you even be said to be an idol if nobody listens to you, probably not. However what they are is very “co-ed”, and very nugu!
Note that there aren’t many of these groups around because “co-ed” is weirdly unpopular in Korea, so that’s why this episode is back to the original three-artist format. Finding you your nugu “co-ed” faves is an eternal struggle!
Usual Kpopalypse Nugu Alert rules apply:
- Less than
20,00010,000 views across official channels, let’s keep it extra nugu - Probably not a topic of debate at HYBE’s next big upcoming court case
- Relevant to Kpopalypse
Let’s take a look!
Koonzo Crew – Boom Boom Boom
First up is Koonzo Crew with “Boom Boom Boom”. I particularly like their set design choice, simple but effective. Many years ago, I did a show with a band in a house that was condemned and about to be demolished, the idea being that we were there to send the place off with a bang and completely trash it, saving the demolition crew a bit of work while having some fun in the meantime. The indoor set choice here definitely reminds me of that show. Unfortunately the music doesn’t quite reach the same lofty heights, although it is still good in places, bouncing around between the sound of YG groups 5 years ago and 15 years ago, plus we get cool dance moves, people dressing relatively normally, and some pretty wild hair extensions. Money well spent.
YouTube views at the time of writing: 5309
Notable attribute: you can tell it’s a nugu dance video when the diagonal fluro tubes show up
Nugu Alert Rating: very high
Z.peline – Shoot&More
Z.peline have a pretty clever drama video here, with the boys and girls being terrorised by some ugly dude who has a flat face like a guy I used to work with who lost too many fights at sportball games (dickhead but then that’s the sportball for you, it attracts violent fuckheads hey). For some reason the Z.peline boys and girls don’t all gather round and beat the ever-living fuck out of him but let him get away with abducting a group member. Later on he gets rescued after being tied up by the guy with the flimsiest-looking electrical tape ever, but it’s not clear what fate he’s being saved from as Mr Ugly doesn’t have a weapon nor does he really seem like much of a threat (he gets puffed out after just a few seconds of chasing) so I don’t really know what’s going on here. Maybe he’s the video producer and he’s here to collect on their idol debt. Anyway, the song’s mostly boring “in your area” slowness, but there is a weird breakdown that goes from dubstep to hyper-quick with no warning, that’s pretty cool. Now I just need to know what the “more” is in the title.
YouTube views at the time of writing: 4715
Notable attribute: suitcase-slap at 0:37 is a class move
Nugu Alert Rating: very high
99′ Nasty Kidz – Oh Shxt
This duo might be rocking the apostrophe on the wrong side of the “99” but it’s okay because they’re also rocking a pretty neat selection of old-school beats, I’m definitely digging this song which is my favourite of the ones in this episode. I also love the intro with the 1920s style for no reason, and then the guy on the DJ decks going insane or whatever, it makes no sense at all and it’s great. Unfortunately it also cuts into the already not-long-enough song which really needed another verse but I guess time is money in nugu rapper land. Also, I’ve never seen so many people wearing sunglasses at night in the one place, I have to wonder how many people injured themselves on set because they couldn’t see shit, maybe that’s how they came up with the song title?
YouTube views at the time of writing: 564
Notable attribute: teleprompter showing the rappers their own lyrics visible at 1:40, I guess their memory is as bad as mine
Nugu Alert Rating: extreme
That’s all for this episode of Kpopalypse Nugu Alert – the series will return!
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