
Thursday, December 1, 2022

EXC: Noel Gallagher’s daughter Anais addresses criticism of ‘nepotism babies’

Noel Gallagher‘s daughter Anais has addressed the criticism surrounding ‘nepotism babies’ and admitted she is ‘grateful’ for the ‘privilege’ her upbringing has given her.

The daughter of Oasis star Noel and Meg Mathews, 22, opened up about her opinions on ‘nepotism babies’, which refers to children born into affluent or famous families.

She confessed she would be ‘tone deaf and irresponsible’ if she didn’t admit the ‘leg up’ in life her upbringing has given her, saying it is something she will be grateful for ‘until the day I die’.

Upbringing: Noel Gallagher's daughter Anais has addressed the criticism around 'nepotism babies' and admitted she is 'grateful' for the 'privilege' her upbringing has given her

Upbringing: Noel Gallagher’s daughter Anais has addressed the criticism around ‘nepotism babies’ and admitted she is ‘grateful’ for the ‘privilege’ her upbringing has given her

Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, she explained: ‘I would be tone deaf and irresponsible if I didn’t admit to how privileged my life has been and how much of a leg up my upbringing has given me.

‘I’m really, really, extremely grateful for the situation my parents have been able to give me, and I’ll be grateful until the day I die. 

‘Whether it’s being able to attend university or have job opportunities, I’m incredibly grateful for everything they’ve given me.’

Anais said she thinks there is ‘justification’ around hiring nepotism babies as she addressed criticism that they have access to opportunities which other people don’t.

Family: The daughter of Oasis star Noel and Meg Mathews, 22, opened up about her opinions on 'nepotism babies', which refers to children born into famous families. She is pictured with Noel and his wife Sara MacDonald

Family: The daughter of Oasis star Noel and Meg Mathews, 22, opened up about her opinions on ‘nepotism babies’, which refers to children born into famous families. She is pictured with Noel and his wife Sara MacDonald

However, she said she believes the pressure should be on employers to hire people from different backgrounds, rather than the criticism falling on the nepotism babies.

‘There is justification around the hiring of nepotism babies. I think it’s not justified as an attack on somebody personally, and whether they themselves are a hard worker, because you don’t truly ever know anyone,’ she explained.

‘I actually don’t think it’s kind to pass judgement on anyone you don’t know and to be mean about them.

‘But I do think there needs to be a push to hire people who are incredibly deserving, and they may not come from a background when they have all the contacts. 

Grateful: She confessed she would be 'tone deaf' if she didn't admit the 'leg up' in life that her upbringing has given her, saying it is something she will be grateful for 'until the day I die'

Grateful: She confessed she would be ‘tone deaf’ if she didn’t admit the ‘leg up’ in life that her upbringing has given her, saying it is something she will be grateful for ‘until the day I die’

‘I think that is up to employers, I don’t think the pressure should be on the nepotism babies not to go up for the jobs, but it should be on the employers to do the right thing and the right research, and consider who is the right candidate for the job.’

Anais, who was promoting animal welfare campaign Paws For Thought, went on to discuss the ‘pressure’ on her because of her famous parents, insisting it doesn’t bother her because ‘there’s always going to be people with a negative opinion’.

She said she never feels any pressure from her parents – Oasis frontman Noel and his interior designer ex-wife Meg, 56 – to be ‘super successful’ either, as they only care that she has ‘good morals’ and works hard.

She continued: ‘I don’t feel pressure from outside because nobody can truly know how hard you work or anything like that, I don’t feel that much pressure.

Parents: Anais is the daughter of Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher and interior designer Meg Mathews, who were married from 1997 until 2001

Parents: Anais is the daughter of Oasis frontman Noel Gallagher and interior designer Meg Mathews, who were married from 1997 until 2001

‘My parents don’t put that much pressure on me to be super, super successful, they just put pressure on me to be a hard worker and have good morals and be grounded and kind. 

‘I definitely put a lot of pressure on myself not to take anything for granted and be respectful and work hard, but I’m not bothered about whether people think I’m deserving or undeserving. 

‘There’s always going to be people out there who have a negative opinion of you.’

Anais, who has recently graduated from university with a photography degree, said she never felt any push from her parents to launch a music career, joking that she was ‘born with no musical talent’.

She said she instead plans to pursue a career in photography and is currently taking internships to gain more experience as she described herself as a ‘very creative’ person.

Nepotism: Anais (pictured with her mother Meg) insisted that she does think there is 'justification' around hiring nepotism babies as she addressed the criticism

Nepotism: Anais (pictured with her mother Meg) insisted that she does think there is ‘justification’ around hiring nepotism babies as she addressed the criticism

‘I’ve always been a very creative person, I come from quite a creative family where creativity is championed maybe more so than academics,’ she said.

‘I think I was always going to find myself in a creative role. I never felt any pressure to go into music, my parents were very lucky that I was born with no musical talent, so that was never going to be an option for me.

‘And I’ve always loved photography ever since I was young, so that was a natural progression. It wasn’t something I found, I think it found me.’

Anais lives in a London flat but often visits her boyfriend Julius Roberts in Dorset, where he lives with his family, and she spoke about how ‘lucky’ she feels that she enjoys both the city and countryside.

Pressure: She said she never feels any pressure from her parents to be 'super successful' either, as they only care that she has 'good morals' and works hard

Pressure: She said she never feels any pressure from her parents to be ‘super successful’ either, as they only care that she has ‘good morals’ and works hard

The couple first revealed their romance in July 2020 and Anais often takes to Instagram to share picturesque snaps from her visits to his small farm in southwest England.

Speaking about her visits to Dorset, she said: ‘I feel really lucky that I get the best of both worlds, I love living in London. I love living in a city that has so much on its doorstep, whether it’s going to the theatre or an art gallery or a museum.

‘I’m somebody who loves learning so that’s definitely something I couldn’t live without. But I feel really lucky I get to go and visit my boyfriend’s small holding and be in nature too.’

Anais, who has just launched the Paws For Thought campaign, also spoke about how she and Julius have bonded over their advocacy for animal welfare.

Career: Anais, who has graduated from university with a photography degree, said she never felt any push from her parents to go into music. Pictured: Her parents Noel and Meg

Career: Anais, who has graduated from university with a photography degree, said she never felt any push from her parents to go into music. Pictured: Her parents Noel and Meg 

‘Julius does a lot of advocating on animal welfare himself, it is something that we really connect on and we both have a huge love of animals and that is a massive mutual interest between us,’ she explained.

Anais has teamed up with Burns Pet Nutrition and Admiral Pet Insurance to launch Paws For Thought, which urges potential pet owners to do their research before buying a puppy or kitten.

She aims to highlight the issues around ‘petfishing’, which refers to buying an unhealthy pet from an unethical breeder after being swayed by the animal’s cute looks, and said it is an issue close to her heart as an animal lover.

Reflecting on her childhood, Anais said she was a child who was always surrounded by animals, even having cats and dogs in her cot as a baby, and said she tried to persuade her mother Meg to have a petting zoo.

Criticism: Speaking about nepotism, Anais said she thinks the pressure should be on employers to hire people from different backgrounds, rather than criticising nepotism babies

Criticism: Speaking about nepotism, Anais said she thinks the pressure should be on employers to hire people from different backgrounds, rather than criticising nepotism babies

‘I’ve always been a huge animal lover, from as soon as I opened my eyes. I was the baby who shared her cot with cats and dogs, I’ve always loved animals,’ she said.

‘My mum is a massive animal lover and she kind of, she really emphasised the importance of being kind and considerate to animals from a very young age. 

‘I was brought up with cats and dogs, and guinea pigs and horses and I really wanted a petting zoo, but my mum had to draw the line somewhere. I always had a huge passion for animals.’

Speaking about the campaign, Anais added: ‘With Christmas coming up, the campaign is really important. The idea that you might see a picture of a cute puppy and it sways you without doing your research.

Smitten: Anais lives in London but visits her boyfriend Julius Roberts, who lives in Dorset with his family, and she spoke about how 'lucky' she feels she can enjoy both a city and country life

Smitten: Anais lives in London but visits her boyfriend Julius Roberts, who lives in Dorset with his family, and she spoke about how ‘lucky’ she feels she can enjoy both a city and country life

‘You need to make sure you’re buying from a responsible breeder, or make sure the puppy is health checked, and make sure you know where the puppy came from and the condition it was kept it. 

‘Not to give money to the breeders who are doing completely irresponsible breeding. It’s all about supply and demand, if you stop buying from the breeders, they won’t have many customers, which is a good thing.’

‘I want people to pause for thought and take into consideration all the necessary things to think of before buying a puppy,’ she added.

Childhood: Reflecting on her childhood, Anais said she was a child who was always surrounded by animals, even having cats and dogs in her cot as a baby

Childhood: Reflecting on her childhood, Anais said she was a child who was always surrounded by animals, even having cats and dogs in her cot as a baby

EXC: Noel Gallagher’s daughter Anais addresses criticism of ‘nepotism babies’
Source: Viral Buzz Philippines

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